Social Committee

Social Committee

Chairperson Needed

Glenbrook is a beautiful community with a clubhouse to provide a venue for community gatherings, meetings, and private parties for Glenbrook residents. As time goes by, some residents move on, and new residents move in. People lose contact with one another, and the power of the community to have a say in what happens in the neighborhood weakens, and the security of the community begins to suffer. Fortunately, it doesn't have to happen to Glenbrook. 

The Board of Directors is looking for a volunteer to serve as chairperson for a SOCIAL COMMITTEE. This is truly possible, and it all starts with you. With your help as a Chairperson or as an Committee member of the social committee, you will help plan the events that bring us together; events like the celebration of the pool opening each year; events like Halloween parties; events like a Memorial Day pot luck dinner, a Fourth of July barbecue, a Labor Day chili cook-off, or a Nebraska Football tailgate party. 

Will you please join us in service to our community to share your ideas and your talents to help put these events together. Please contact any board member through the web page to sign up to be a part of getting to know your neighbors of Glenbrook and serving on the social committee.

Social Committee Volunteer Form

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